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Hi, I’m Janis Vogel your pivot coach
I help people navigate the toughest transitions. My clients are going through divorce, leaving abusive relationships, toxic workplaces, and rebuilding life physically, mentally, spiritually and financially.
Before becoming a coach in 2021 I spent 20 years climbing the ladder in the film industry. I am an editor and producer of award-winning documentaries, narrative films, music videos and so much more.
Born in Germany, but raised on a small island, Martha's Vineyard, I draw on a rich background of realities and identities. I fulfilled my childhood dream of moving to New York City and lived there for 13 years.
In 2022 I moved site unseen to California and now live in Encinitas, California with her daughter, devoting my time to serving clients who are stepping into self trust, cultivating stability from within, and rebuilding their lives to rise again anew.